Marine Warranty Survey
Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) services are essential for ensuring the safe and efficient execution of marine operations in offshore projects. These services provide independent third-party verification to guarantee compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. Covering the entire requested project duration in accordance with the insurer Warranty clause, MWS services involve reviewing and approving project plans and procedures, overseeing transportation and installation, and identifying potential risks early to mitigate them to an acceptable level, ensuring the structural integrity and safety of offshore assets.
Fabrication inspections
Fabrication inspections ensure that all structures and components are produced according to required quality standards. These inspections verify adherence to industry and project specifications during the manufacturing process, identifying and rectifying issues early to prevent delays and ensure project success.
Seafastening inspections
Seafastening inspections are critical for the safe transport of marine structures. These inspections assess and verify the security and adequacy of seafastening arrangements, ensuring components are securely fastened to withstand transit stresses, thereby preventing damages and losses and ensuring proper delivery to the installation site.
Load-in and load-out surveillance
Load-in and load-out surveillance services oversee the safe and efficient handling of project components during loading and unloading phases. These services ensure that operations comply with safety protocols and industry standards, minimizing risks associated with heavy lifting and transportation logistics.
Transport and installation surveillance
Transport and installation surveillance involves monitoring operations during these critical phases to ensure adherence to approved project plans, safety standards and all necessary requirements. This includes on-site supervision and verification to identify and mitigate potential issues, ensuring smooth and adequate execution.
Condition surveys
Condition surveys provide detailed assessments of the current state of marine units and equipment. These surveys identify existing issues or potential risks to confirm operational readiness and secure safe handling.